Photography Tip - Understanding Fashion Photography
Most serious photography hobbyists tend to show interest in Fashion Photography. In fact, it is usually a photographer's ultimate dream;...
Starting a new business with a new direction
Up until recently, my photography was always about what I wanted to create, doing it the way I wanted & creating surrealistic / sensual /...
Before / After - 6
Adobe Photoshop & the power of camera RAW have brought about possibilities that never existed before. In the days of old, you were...
A new adventure
For those who've been following me, you are probably well aware of the fact I'm currently based in Dubai, UAE. In fact, I was born and...
Turning the sexy on!
Showcasing the sensuality & femininity of a woman is a delicate matter; you want to highlight the beauty of the female figure without...
Photography Tip - Working with Models, Makeup Artists, Wardrobe Stylists & Hair Stylists
If you find yourself getting into serious people photography, you will at some point consider shooting beauty or fashion portraits. Of...
Before / After - 5
There was one concept I had been planning to shoot, the only thing holding me back was that I didn't possess the right resources to...
Before / After - 4
Capturing compelling & strong images doesn't come easy; it requires planning, education, experimentation & sometimes going out of your...
Before / After - 3
This next concept shoot was 'more fun, less effort' compared to the previous one. 'Why' you ask? Perhaps I forgot to mention that we had...
Before / After - 2
When you get inspired, and you find yourself in the drive gear, you better hit that gas & go with the flow. I was experimenting with...